The JSON response is a dictionary whose keys are the numbers from 1 to n and where each element is itself a dictionary containing the following keys:
Key | Value | In JSON response for all countries? | Format if in JSON response |
Saisie | Text input (passed in parameter) used to search the street | Yes | STRING(255) |
IDLocalite | Unique code for each city (Insee code for France) | Yes | STRING(20) |
Pays | ISO country code | Yes | STRING(3) |
CodePostal | City Postal Code | Yes | STRING(10) |
Localite | Name of the city | Yes | STRING(50) |
Roudis | Roudis code (France only) | No | NA |
Instance | Number passed as a parameter during the call and returned in the response | Yes | STRING(3) |
Cedex | Indicates whether it is a cedex or not (1 = CEDEX, 0 = not CEDEX) | No | STRING(1) |
Latitude | Latitude code of the center of the locality | No | DECIMAL(8) |
Longitude | Longitude code of the centre of the locality | No | DECIMAL(8) |
IDVoie | Unique number to identify the street | Yes | STRING(20) |
Voie | Street name | Yes | STRING(50) |
Numero | Number in the street with the number complement (bis ter etc...) | Yes | STRING(10) |
Num | Number in the street with the number complement (bis ter etc...) | No | STRING(10) |
Nbnumero | Number of numbers in the street | No | STRING(4) |
NbNumero | Number of numbers in the street | Yes | STRING(4) |
ListeNumero | List of available numbers in the street (key available when the number entered is invalid or no number has been entered) | Yes | STRING(1024) |
TypeVoie | Street type (street, avenue, etc.) | No | STRING(20) |
CodeVoie | Unique number to identify the street | Yes | STRING(20) |
Complement | Additional address information | No | STRING(150) |
Complement2 | Additional address information 2 | No | STRING(50) |
LieuDit | Dependent locality if applicable | Yes | STRING(50) |
Entreprise | Company name | No | STRING(255) |
label | Label to be presented for auto-completion. The number is enclosed in square brackets if it is invalid for this route. A pipe character (|) separates the route from the postcode/city pair, to simplify label formatting. | No | STRING(255) |
Province | Region where the city is located. The type depends on the country in which the search is performed. | No | STRING(50) |
Region1 | Region | No | STRING(50) |
Region2 | County | No | STRING(50) |
Region3 | County | No | STRING(50) |
Suburb | Suburb | No | STRING(50) |
valid_num |
1 : The number exists in the street 0 : The number does not exist in the street |
No | INTEGER(1) |