The value {SERVER_ADDRESS} is the address of the DQE server that will process the data.
Simply add the parameters below in the Body to "x-www-form-urlencoded":
Parameter | Expected value type | Value description | Mandatory/Optional |
Licence | {LICENCE_CODE} | Number assigned to you as your license code | Mandatory |
Civilite | {CIVILITY} | Civility of the individual | Optional |
Nom | {NAME} | Last name of the individual | Mandatory |
Prenom | {FIRST_NAME} | First name of the individual | Mandatory |
Adresse | {ADDRESS} | Street number, type and name | Mandatory |
CodePostal | {POSTAL_CODE} | Postal code | Mandatory |
Ville | {CITY} | City name | Mandatory |
Complement | {ADDITIONAL_ADDRESS} | Additional address (line 3: building, residence, etc...) | Optional |
LieuDit | {DEPENDENT_LOCALITY} | Dependent locality | Optional |