The value {SERVER_ADDRESS} is the address of the DQE server that will process the data.
Simply add the parameters below in the Body to "x-www-form-urlencoded":
Parameter | Expected value type | Value description | Mandatory/Optional |
Licence | {LICENCE_CODE} | Number assigned to you as your license code | Mandatory |
Firstname | {FIRST_NAME} | Part of the first name already entered by the user | Mandatory |
Gender | {GENDER} | "M" or "F" or "I" | Optional |
NBResponse | {NUM} | Maximum number of suggestions to return | Optional (by default: « 10 ») |
Country | {COUNTRY_CODE} | ISO 3-letter country code to prioritize suggestions based on country | Optional |
Format | {FORMAT} | Desired output format (see table) | Optional (by default: « 0 ») |
Verifname | Y | Parameter to add if one wants to verify a first name without autocomplete. The returned list will return only one value if the first name is valid (and an empty list if the first name was not found in the database). | Optional |