Header :
Simply replace the items in braces with your information :
Parameter | Expected value type | Value description | Mandatory/Optional |
Server address | {SERVER_ADDRESS} | Address of the DQE server that will process the data | Mandatory |
Licence | {LICENCE_CODE} | Number assigned to you as your license code | Mandatory |
CompanyName | {COMPANY_NAME} | This field can contain part of the company name and then the postal code to filter companies; | Mandatory |
Country | {COUNTRY_CODE} | ISO country code (3 letters) | Mandatory |
Dictionary | Y | / | Mandatory |
Filter | {Filter} |
Choose the value that you want, if several values, separete them by a comma (,) - 1 - OPENED DIFFUSIBLE Example : Filter=1,2 |
Optional Default Value : 1 |
NbMax | {NbMax} |
Number maximum of result |
Optional Default value : 10 |