https://{SERVER_ADDRESS}/IDMOBILE/?number={NUM}&Format={FORMAT}&token={TOKEN}&m ode={MODE}&name={NAME}&code_name={CODE_NAME}&licence={LICENCE_CODE}&user_ infos={INFORMATION}&scope={SCOPE}&period={PERIOD}
Simply replace the items in braces with your information :
Parameter | Expected value type | Value description | Mandatory/Optional |
Server address | {SERVER_ADDRESS} | Address of the DQE server that will process the data | Mandatory |
licence | {LICENCE_CODE} | Number assigned to you as your license code | Mandatory |
number | {NUM} | Phone number | Mandatory |
format | {FORMAT} | Desired formatting level (see table below) | Optional |
token | {TOKEN} | Token retrieved through authentication | Mandatory |
mode | {MODE} | 2 : authentication by code | Mandatory |
name | {NAME} |
Customer name in the DQE Software database |
Mandatory |
code_name | {CODE_NAME} |
Optional field that contains a code associated with the {NAME} |
Optional |
user_infos | {INFORMATION} |
Parameter that contains the client information in the form of a json ({"street_address": "","postal_code": "","locality": "","country": "","birthdate": "","email": "","lastname": "","gender": "","firstname": "","maiden_name":"","phone": "","number": ""}) |
Optional (Mandatory if scope « matching_notp ») |
scope | {SCOPE} |
Mandatory |
period | {PERIOD} | Period during which the simswap check is to be performed (in the past). Value in hours. |
Optional (Mandatory if “simswap” scope) |
Description of expected values in the user_infos parameter (json value) for matching (each parameter must be present, even if no value is filled in) :
Key |
Description |
street_address | Street type, and name |
postal_code | Postal code |
locality | City |
country | Country in full letter |
birthdate | Date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format |
Email address | |
lastname | Name |
maiden_name | Maiden name |
gender | Gender (M or F) |
firstname | First name |
phone | Phone number |
number | Street number |
The values to be returned in the "format" field are defined in the table below :
Value |
Description |
0 |
Phone number without spaces |
1 | Phone number with a space every two digits |
2 | Phone number in the format: +YY X XX XX XX XX (YY = country code) |
3 | Phone number in the format: +YY XXXXXXXXX (YY = country code) |
4 | Phone number in the format: +YY (0) XXXXXXXXX (YY = country code) |
5 | Phone number in the format: +YYXXXXXXXXX (YY = country code) |
6 | Phone number in the format: +YY (0) X XX XX XX XX (YY = country code) |