Our OAuth service is a protocol that allows an application to use another application's secure API on behalf of a user.
The main benefit of OAuth is not having to provide credentials to a third-party application as the connection happens on the API application:
In the case of a token expiration, this may result in the need for a token extension. This is possible via a command to regenerate it without providing the "client_id" and "client_secret" again on the browser side. This token renewal call is described in below.
Header: https://{SERVER_ADDRESS}/oauth/ACCESS_TOKEN/?access_token={TOKEN}&refresh_token={REFRESH_TOKEN}&scope=refresh_token
Simply replace the items in braces with your information:
Parameter | Expected value type | Value description |
Mandatory/ Optional |
Server address | {SERVER_ADDRESS} | Address of the DQE server that will process the data | Mandatory |
access_token | {TOKEN} | Temporary Service Call Licence | Mandatory |
refresh_token | {REFRESH_TOKEN} | Token to extend your license | Mandatory |
scope | refresh_token | Static value that must be "refresh_token" to renew the token | Mandatory |