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DQE Software
Frequently Asked Questions
About DQE One
How to troubleshoot as 'Error code' field is no longer supplied ?
To check this, you need to retrieve the following information: - Associated object (Lead, Contact, Account, PersonAccount) - Solution in question (Email, Telephone, Postal Address) Once you've retrieved these elements, you need to try and reproduce it. If this is the case, go to the Salesforce setup, then "Custom Setting ", then go to the custom setting for the solution in question: - Email : DQE_Email_Setup - Phone : DQE_Phone_Setup - Postal address : DQE_Address_Setup In each Custom Setting, there's a field for telling the module where to store the information and for what purpose: - Email : "Email Quality Fields" - Phone : "Store Quality Codes" - Postal address : "Quality Code Fields" Use the following syntax: Object - FieldChecked - FieldQualityStored.Example : - "Account - PersonMobilePhone - DQE_PersonMobilePhone_Quality_Code__c" - "Account - PersonEmail - DQE_PersonEmail_QC__c" - "Account - PersonMailingAddress - DQE_PersonMailingAddress_Quality_Code__c" Causes that may result in the error code field not being filled in are : - missing object and additional information; - incorrect spelling in the field being checked; - misspelling in the field where the error code is to be stored.
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