The input help engine no longer work
There are several reasons why this can happen. Namely, this first part of the analysis carried out by yourself should make it possible to determine whether or not this is due to DQE or not.
The first step is to reproduce the problem and then try other postal address cases in the
country in question.
The first thing to check is to go to Salesforce Setup, then go to the "Custom Settings" section and select the "DQE DataQ Setup" custom setting.
In this custom setting, make sure that the following solutions are activated, and that the
license is filled in:
If any of the above situations apply, then these elements need to be re-checked and retested.
The second thing to do is to check the named credential in Salesforce Setup,
select "DataQ_Tooling_API", and make sure that the authentication status is authenticated and that the user is still active:
If this is not the case, then edit the named credential and "save" again.
This will redirect you to an authentication page where you must log in.
The input help engine no longer work - Test by API
To do this, you need to make API calls by licensing (add your license key to the GET/POST call) on the following webservice calls:
- Email :
o Return :
"1": {
"Redressement": 0,
"eMailOrigine": "",
"IdError": "01",
"eMail": "",
"CodeActivite": ""
- Phone :
o Return :
"1": {
"TelOrigine": "0696730607",
"Geolocation": "FRANCE",
"LabelStatus": "Not Reachable",
"Tel": "0696730607",
"Ported": "N",
"Status": "1",
"Operator": "",
"IdError": 0,
"OldOperator": "",
"Type": "MOBILE"
- Postal Address :
o Return (partial) :
"1": {
"Province": "RJ",
"IDLocalite": "26327-030",
"ListeNumero": "1",
"NbNumero": "1",
"LieuDit": "Vila Santa Catarina",
"IDVoie": "26327-030",
"Voie": "Rua Paz",
"Cedex": "0",
"Numero": "1",
"TypeVoie": "",
"Instance": "1",
"Region1": "RJ",
"CodePostal": "26327-030",
"label": "Rua Paz|1|Vila Santa Catarina|Queimados - RJ|26327-030",
"Pays": "BRA",
"Complement2": "",
"Localite": "Queimados",
"Complement": "",
"SousLocalite": ""
If it returns an error or an empty JSON, then there's a problem with your license.
Please contact DQE support: immediately.
If the APIs work but not on Salesforce, please contact DQE as well.