Fields DQE Address | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QC_c' | Picklist | Postal address quality return codes (numeric) |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QDes__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QDes_c' | Picklist | Same code as Quality code with label |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QD_c' | Picklist | Postal address quality return codes (text) |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _PC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_PC_c' | Text | Standard postal code |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _Str__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_Str_c' | Text | Standardized address block (ADR2, ADR3, ADr4 and ADR 5) separated by a newline |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _C__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_C_c' | Text | Normalized city |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _Sta__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_Sta_c' | Text | Standard Department |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _CC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_CC_c' | Lookup | ISO2 / ISO3 |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _OV__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_OV_c' | LongTextArea | Save field before merging results |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _RD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_RD_c' | Datetime | Process Date |
DQE_IsMe_ + SelectedField + __c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_IsMe_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | If Merge = "TRUE" if no merge or undo Merge ="FALSE" |
DQE_IsP_ + SelectedField + __c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_IsP_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | True if process done and False if process not done ; ticked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Process_RNVP__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Process_RNVP' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Lookup |
Last address check process that processed the record |
Fields DQE Email | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QC_c' | Picklist | Email quality return codes (numeric) |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QD_c' | Picklist | Email quality return codes (text) |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _RD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_RD_c' | Datetime | Process Date |
DQE_IsP_ + SelectedField +__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_IsP_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | True if process done and False if process not done ; ticked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Process_Email__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Is_Process_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Lookup | Last email check process that processed the record |
Fields DQE Phone | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QC_c' | Picklist | Phone quality return codes (numeric) |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _QD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QD_c' | Picklist | Phone quality return codes (text) |
DQE_Phone_Old_Values__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Phone_Old_Values_c' | Datetime | Save field before merging results |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _RD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_RD_c' | Datetime | Process Date |
DQE_ + SelectedField + _IsM__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + 'IsM_c' | Checkbox | Indicates if the selected phone is a mobile |
DQE_IsP_ + SelectedField + __c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_IsP_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | True if process done and False if process not done ; ticked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Is_Swap_Phone__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Is_Swap_Phone_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | Indicates whether the phone update option has been used or not (if there are at least two phone fields with fixed/mobile inversions) |
DQE_Process_Phone__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Process_Phone_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Lookup | Last Process Phone Check that processed the record |
Fields DQE Name | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_FirstName_QC__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QC_c' | Picklist | First name quality return codes (numeric) |
DQE_FirstName_QD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_QD_c' | Picklist | First name quality return codes (text) |
DQE_Suggested_FirstName_G__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Suggested' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + 'G_c' | LongTextArea | Suggested First Name Gender (M/F/I/D) |
DQE_Gender_RunDate__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Gender'_RunDate_c' | Datetime | Process Date |
DQE_Is_Process_Gender__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Is_Process_Gender_c' | Checkbox | True if process done and False if process not done ; ticked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Process_Gender__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Process_Gender_c' | Lookup | Last Process Phone Check that processed the record |
Fields DQE B2B | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_B2B_Certainty__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_B2B_Certainty_c' | Picklist | % of reconciliation |
DQE_B2B_Succession__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_B2B_Succession_c' | Picklist | Siret of the company that bought the company present in the database |
DQE_B2B_Code_Status__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_B2B_Code_Status_c' | Picklist | Match quality return codes with the INSEE database |
DQE_B2B_RunDate__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_B2B_RunDate_c' | Picklist | Process Date |
DQE_B2B_Old_Values__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_B2B_Old_Values_c' | Datetime | Save field before merging results |
DQE_Is_Merge_B2B__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Is_Merge_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | If Merge = "TRUE" ; if not merge or undo Merge ="FALSE" |
DQE_Is_Process_B2B__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Is_Process_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Checkbox | True if process done and False if process not done ; ticked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Process_B2B__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Process_' + SelectedField.replace(orgPrefix, '').replace('_c', '_c') + '_c' | Lookup | Last Process B2B Check that processed the record |
Fields DQE Deduplicates | API Name’s construction | Data Type | Description |
DQE_DUP_KIND__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_DUP_KIND_c' | Text | Duplicate kind (PARENT, CHILD, SIBLING) |
DQE_DUP_KIND_WEIGHT__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_DUP_KIND_WEIGHT_c' | Text | Weight to determine the master record |
DQE_DUP_MATCHES__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_DUP_MATCHES_c' | Long text Area | Explanations on the rules that allowed the composition of the group of duplicates (links between each line of the group of duplicates) |
DQE_DUP_THRESHOLD__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_DUP_THRESHOLD_c' | Number | Error threshold (in %) |
DQE_GROUP__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_GROUP_c' | Number | Duplicate Group ID |
DQE_GROUP_CARDINALITY__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_GROUP_CARDINALITY_c' | Number | Number of duplicates in the group |
DQE_KEY_NUMBER__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_KEY_NUMBER_c' | Number | Reconciliation key that identified the duplicate |
DQE_KEY_NUMBER_TO_PARENT__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_KEY_NUMBER_TO_PARENT_c' | Number | Reconciliation key which made it possible to identify the master |
DQE_LINE__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_LINE_c' | Number | Internal number of duplicates (line in the original file) |
DQE_PARENT_PK__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_PARENT_PK_c' | Number | Master's primary key |
DQE_Status__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Status_c' | Picklist |
Record status, by default Inactive or Active, concerns unique, parent records and child records Value: "Active", "Inactive" |
DQE_TMP_ID__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_TMP_ID_c' | Not used (to be deleted) | |
DQE_Fusion_Json__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Fusion_Json_c' | LongTextArea | Aggregated field containing merge results |
DQE_OLD_VALUES__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_OLD_VALUES_c' | LongTextArea | Save parent record data field before merging results |
DQE_Match_Certainty__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Match_Certainty_c' | Percent | Degree of certainty in % |
DQE_DUP_KIND_LABEL__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_DUP_KIND_LABEL_c' | Text | Duplicate kind (PARENT, CHILD and UNIQUE) |
DQE_Sort_Order__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Sort_Order_c' | Text | Deduplication Results Order Column |
DQE_Is_Process_Dedup__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_IS_PROCESS_DEDUP_c' | Checkbox | True if process carried out and False if process not carried out; checked if the selected process has processed the selected record |
DQE_Dup_RunDate__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Dup_RunDate_c' | Datetime | Process Date |
DQE_Dup_First_Merge_Date__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_Dup_First_Merge_Date_c' | Datetime | Date of the First Merge of the Record |
DQE_Process_Dedup__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_PROCESS_DEDUP_c' | Lookup | Last Process Dedup that processed the record |
DQE_Index_Group_ID__c | orgPrefix + 'DQE_INDEX_GROUP_ID_c' | Text | Field created using Parent ID Group ID |