Our DQE Name service simplifies the entry of first names by proposing first names (in order of probability) during entry.
Example of a standard call with auto-completion and manual validation:
var dqefirstname = $('#my_firstname_field').dqefirstname({
server: 'classes/dqe.php',
civilities: {0: 'M', 1: 'F', 2: 'F'},
civility: '#my_civility_field'
Only the "server" parameter is mandatory, the others can be omitted. If the parameters "civility" and "civilities" are provided, the list of first names will only contain male or female first names depending on the gender of the selected civility. A consistency check (gender of the first name / gender of the civility) will be carried out in addition to the validity check of the first name (existence of the first name in the database).
Key | Description |
server | Address of the file located on your server that will call the DQE Name webservices |
civility | JQuery selector that points to the civility field |
civilities | Dictionary allowing to know the gender (masculine or feminine) of each value |