The client-side API is in the form of a JQuery plugin. This plugin includes a list of options and events that allow you to integrate in a few lines of code the functionalities of the DQE B2B engine within your website.
Apart from the JQuery Framework and JQuery UI framework, only the jquery.dqeb2b.js JavaScript file is required for the client-side DQE B2B API to work. Once this file is included, a JQuery call to an element on your page (usually the search form) is required to be able to call B2B search methods.
When calling the library, you will simply have to pass the URL of the server file or the "jsonp" value as a parameter for direct operation without server part.
Some parameters for these options are JQuery selectors to fields on your form. For each of these fields and for performance reasons, it is recommended to use ids pointing directly to each field rather than a more complex selector.