The main Package contains the following custom settings :
- DQE DataQ Setup : general settings
- DQE Address Setup : dedicated to the Postal Address API setup
- DQE Email Setup : dedicated to the Postal Email API setup
- DQE Phone Setup : dedicated to the Phone API setup
- DQE B2B Setup : storing the mapping used by the component DQE_Create_Record
- DQE B2B Update : storing the mapping used by the component DQE_B2B_Record_Update (see more)
User management
By default when the package is installed we create an instance of each custom setting at the default organization level.
But you can manually create other instances for each profile in your organization by clicking on “new” and select a profile.
This way you can manage which profile will benefits from the data quality tools in his forms. If you want to enable those tools only for a few profiles in a first time, we recommend you update the custom setting instance at the organization default level to disable the APIs and then create new instances for those profiles.
Example : Phone custom setting
Go to the Setup menu, search for “custom settings” in the quick find box and select one of the custom settings by clicking on manage.
If you already went through the installation process you should find a default instance defined as organization default.
To create an other for a specific profile, click on “new” and then on the loop icon to search for a profile
Then fill the other fields following the helping info. For instance on the textArea fields you can provide a mapping between the fields to control and the fields where you want to store the info returned by the API check.
To store the quality code you can fill the field as follow :
Basically the format used here is :
[SObject_Name] – [Cqontrolled_Field_API_Name] – [Storage_Field_API_Name]